Dear Parents and Guardians,
This document is intended to assist Parents/Guardians with understanding the Academy of Computer Science and Engineering Mindset report. Our Mindset reports were developed to give parents, guardians, teachers, and students a clear picture of a student’s success with the academic habits of preparedness, active learning, academic effort and conduct.
HEADER: This section provides information including your child's name, the cycle (date range) this reflects, their grade, and their team.
CLASSES/TEACHER LIST: All of the classes that your child currently takes at CompSci are listed on the left side of the report with the teachers name next to each.
INDIVIDUAL CLASS PERFORMANCE: Students regularly reflect on their efforts in each class. Teachers provide students with feedback related to their academic mindset during class.
Every 18 school days, teachers report out individual scores for each area, as well as provide an overall average for each course. The overall mindset for each class, which is reported in the first column (Course Mindset) next to each class name, is the average of the following four columns (Preparedness, Active Learning, Academic Effort, and Conduct) to its right. Students are scored on a 1-4 scale with the intended student performance to be a 3 for each area. (1 = Below Expectations, 2 = Near Expectations, 3 = Meets Expectations, 4 = Exceeds Expectations). Please see Habits of Academic Mindset rubric below.
CURRENT MINDSET: This score, out of a possible 4.0, is calculated by averaging all scores in the “Course Mindset” column from above to arrive at an overall average mindset score for that time period. Next to the score is a Mindset Level, explained below in the table. As a school we are asking students to strive for a 3.0 (Model Student) or higher.
PREVIOUS MINDSET: This table provides a list of past Mindset Reports overall scores so parents/guardians/students can compare current performance to past. The intention of this section is to allow for reflection, next steps, and goal setting at both home and school.
MINDSET LEVELS: Students that perform at the Model or Exemplary level will earn Soaring Eagles cards. Students that perform at the Ineligible level will not be allowed to participate in some school activities.
What is NOT included on our mindset report?
Your child’s Academic Mindset report does not provide information related to your child’s grades/progress toward standards. This information is shared on our report card. The report card shares information related to your child’s academic achievement in relation to grade-level standards. These reports are sent home approximately every nine weeks.